
help prepare the world for the return of Jesus


build community in the fullness of Jesus to reach the world


An INN is a vibrant house-sized NEW CREATION community in the Father’s love. A secure place for each person to belong, be valued, and grow in wholeness and purpose. Established as ONE in Jesus, they pursue fullness in Him together, with overflow into Kingdom expansion through witness and influence as He leads, welcoming into the INN whomever He saves.

Every INN is unique, finding its own emphasis or identity as the group seeks the heart and will of Jesus together. Often, this takes shape in the form of a specific expression of witness or Kingdom influence, as Jesus stirs and reveals the gifts and life-connections of whoever is in the group. Truly unique!

INNs have a distinct model that embodies the core values in a way that can easily reproduce. This is essential for the scalability needed for significant impact. The “Be fruitful and multiply” value embraces leadership development from within, ideally with one INN multiplying into three in a typical cycle. (E.g. One INN of six people becomes three INNs of six). Steady ongoing reproducing like this builds significant impact. For example, if each INN were to reproduce like that once per year (adding one new person monthly), this is the astonishing potential rate of growth (ignoring practicalities, just doing the math):

Each INN Keeper leads just one INN at a time. In the above illustration, even the first will lead only twenty INNs over the twenty years, one INN per year. This is a MOBILIZE vision! The goal is “Calm Multiplication!”

[INNs are inspired by the inn the Good Samaritan used]