What is INNcubate?

INNcubate is how we launch "INNs"

There is a single goal during INNcubate: To become formed into a New Creation INN together, by learning to engage the new creation lifestyle.

Every INN is unique. INNcubate is a process to help it form. Typically it is a six-week track, although fast track and slow-feed options are available too. An intro session at the beginning and a next-steps session at the end creates an eight week model, that can work well with short-term small group seasons in many church calendars. The INN, once formed, may continue to operate/multiply into more INNs in the next semester(s).

INNcubate creates the right environment for the INN to take shape, with two core elements:

  • Weekly meet ups, with the four core activities of teaching, fellowship, communion, and prayer (Acts 2:42)
  • Daily study/devotional focus helping each participant to engage and activate the Kingdom (new creation) revelation. Each week the group is directed to specific content to engage during the coming week, in preparation for the next group meet-up.  We use the acronym "WHOLE" to define a framework of five main themes:
    • Who am I? (focus on identity)
    • Hope Unshakeable (focus on security)
    • One Together (focus on community)
    • Live it Out (focus on victory)
    • Empower Others (focus on destiny)

Two main resources are utilized for this:

An app is used to form a virtual group where participants can post their experiences around the content, day to day.

See typical timeline and content HERE

After INNcubate is complete, the INN switches into "Operate" mode, when it embraces the two core INN lifeflows of body dynamics and kingdom expansion. This creates a thriving "body" experience, where a flourishing NEW CREATION environment and culture is embraced. As part of that, the group takes time to discern together how Jesus might be leading them to co-work with Him in bringing His new creation message to the world through witness and kingdom influence.

In the timeline and content illustration, each INN implements a "Replicate" preparation period to expand into three INNs the next year (cycle). Actual timing and growth will vary, depending on how the Lord is working and leading. Replicate is mostly about relational leadership development in the pattern of "fathers and sons".

INNs last for as long as the cycle, and then re-group into perhaps three new INNs to accommodate newcomers that have arrived during the cycle. This is how multiplication happens. In reality, groups will grow and multiply at different rates - it is always organic, built around relationships, however Jesus is working. The primary principle is, "Be fruitful and multiply". Multiplication follows fruitfulness, and is never forced.

Discover More

Lessons from the Silicon Valley start-up culture that helped shape INNcubate