5. One Glorious Church

O2.4 Headline

Expressions of the body happen as groups of new creation people gather for the purpose of engaging the presence of Jesus together. The idea of “just me and Jesus” has very little credence in New Testament revelation. Jesus is building a body – His church – and we all need to participate in some form. Jesus Himself explained how uncluttered and lean this can be in its simplest form:

“Where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” (Matthew 18:20)


Expressions of the body happen as groups of new creation people gather for the purpose of engaging the presence of Jesus together. The idea of “just me and Jesus” has very little credence in New Testament revelation. Jesus is building a body – His church – and we all need to participate in some form. Jesus Himself explained how uncluttered and lean this can be in its simplest form:

“Where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” (Matthew 18:20)

That’s amazing! To embrace our goal this week of embracing the “one glorious church”, whenever we gather we need to recognize that we are just one small part of the church Jesus is building. There are many styles of gathering, and many sizes of group. Many churches adopt a regular “worship service” approach, which can certainly allow some glorious expressions of the life of Jesus, especially through anointed times of worship, and impartation from gift ministries. We recognize and highly value those gathering types.

In the INN vision, we champion aspects of assembly that are hard to engage in well through formal services and bigger gatherings. This is more to do with relationships, the interaction of new creation people with one another, the developing of spiritual life and gifting, the mobilizing of each member into body life and community witness, etc. INN-life is strongly focused on participation, with shared revelation and discernment, activation, and mobilization. INNs are also specifically geared to undertake acts of “empowered outworking” through community witness, and also to welcome and nurture those receiving Jesus, helping them integrate into the new creation family.

INNs are also designed to be lean, easy to start, easy to run, and easy to reproduce. INNs have “multiplication” as a core goal (see Multiply unit!). Larger church identities are harder to start, operate, and reproduce. They typically require buildings, resources and highly gifted leaders. Some require staff, and typically involve many people on a volunteer level. We recognize the value of these expressions as part of the wider church Jesus is building, but those larger-gathering models are much harder to reproduce.

INNs help form growth patterns, but also work most powerfully within and as a part of wider church expressions that might include services, gift ministries and great resources. Often bigger churches carry the wave of modern worship, as Jesus continues to restore the tabernacle of David (see study E6). Participation in that is highly valued in the INN vision.

INNs purposefully partner and network together, as Jesus builds His church. This is the connect point between being a small-group that is part of one glorious church. Today, we will concentrate on some great ways groups can assemble within the INN identity. The primary purpose is to pursue the presence of Jesus together, and learn to be His body in action.

We will look at two examples in the New Testament, one that builds on what we looked at in study O3 on spiritual gifts, and the other the community that immediately emerged at the beginning of the church after Jesus ascended to heaven and poured out the Holy Spirit.

Let us turn to 1 Corinthians again. As we saw in study O3, in chapters 12 through 14, Paul explains the operation of gifts of the Holy Spirit, which He distributes as He decides, for the common good, the building up of the body. These gifts are key to experiencing the presence of Jesus together. Paul outlines what a group gathering might look like:

“When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification.” (1 Corinthians 14:16)

This is a dynamic small-group experience in the presence of Jesus, where the Holy Spirit manifests His life in the group. It is not a book study, or an interest group, or a group to discuss a Sunday sermon. All those are valid and have their place, but that is not what we are seeing in this passage. Here we have a purposeful meet-up face to face for the purpose of experiencing Jesus together in the body. Where two or three are gathered like this, in His name, Jesus is in the midst. He manifests as the Holy Spirit distributes gifts for the gathering, just as He decides.

The key in this passage is “each one has”. The expectation here is that all can be involved, and all can contribute. Notice also the purpose, “Let all things be done for edification.” Edification means “building up”. Gatherings must always build up and strengthen the group. They are focused on encouragement. Gifts are never used to tear down, undermine, or destroy. Remember, the gifts are expressions of the joy of God (His grace), and they come to manifest the victory of Jesus. Paul lists a few manifestations, but these are just a few examples. Throughout chapters 12 to 14 he mentions many other gifts and ministries also. The point is that each one is able to bring a contribution, as the Holy Spirit works in the midst.

This all begins with an attitude of unity, and seeking the Holy Spirit for His gifts. It might start with a prayer of welcome and yieldedness:

“Holy Spirit, You are welcome here. Please come and distribute your gifts now, just as Jesus moves you. We yield to You together”.

Some may have a reading, or insight, or short teaching they have already prepared. Others are stirred to lead a song. The key is being yielded to the Holy Spirit, inviting Him to lead everything. Psalms, teachings, revelations, tongues, interpretations. Perhaps words of knowledge, healings, wisdom, discernment, testimonies, prophecies, and prayers. There are many possible manifestations, but the goal is building the body, and allowing Jesus to have His way.

This is a typical INN gathering. It is a time of meeting with Jesus together, and out of this can come all kinds of fresh vision, and strategies for empowered outworking into the community. Individuals can share burdens and needs, others can come alongside and support, comfort, pray and encourage. Some may be inspired into new ventures of good deeds, and others catch it and agree to join with them. The possibilities are endless. They are expressions of a living and present head – Jesus Himself.

This kind of gathering is one type of “fellowship”, and might include communion. The purpose is to grow together as a spiritual entity, in union with Jesus. Engaging with unity in Him releases His glory. This is the new creation people assembled!

For the rest of today’s study, we will look at the very first expression of church that we see in the New Testament. This suddenly emerged out of nowhere after Jesus ascended to heaven and poured out the Holy Spirit on those who were gathered and waiting in Jerusalem. We can read about it in Acts 2.

“They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. 44 And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; 45 and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. 46 Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:42-47)

Notice the idea of togetherness, sharing, unity. And also gladness, praise, favor. And there was food, fellowship, communion, prayer and power. A quality of community emerged that had not existed the day before. This was also a community willing to learn (they devoted themselves to teaching by the apostles), and geared for growth – “And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.”

This is a wonderful expression of body life. Much of this can be embraced in the INN vision. Gathering together to share meals, house to house is a big part of this. We are not looking for stale, one-house-only meet-ups. This is intended to be a vibrant, relational, and interactive network of groups. Together, they carry a living expression of the life of Jesus, of His oneness. Notice also the attitude of sharing together, so that there was no-one in need. This is seen even more here:

“And the congregation of those who believed were of one heart and soul; and not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them. 33 And with great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all. 34 For there was not a needy person among them, for all who were owners of land or houses would sell them and bring the proceeds of the sales 35 and lay them at the apostles’ feet, and they would be distributed to each as any had need.” (Acts 4:32-25)

Unity, sharing, provision, power, grace, generosity. These are all hallmarks of a Jesus-filled community, being His people.

We do not want to read these verses just to marvel at what God did back then. We want to be inspired to action ourselves. In the vision, this NETCOM series, and the INNcubate track culminate in forming a specific vision of INN-life going forwards. No one INN will carry every expression, and there are doubtless fresh, new, creative and innovative expressions that Jesus will want to manifest. All things will be done under His headship and leadership, as each INN takes their place in an attitude of partnership and networking in His one glorious church.