The New Creation Prayer Track

ARISE is a CHRISTIAN prayer track. More specific than just biblical, in a general sense. The bible encompasses many realms and dispensations, but ARISE helps us zoom in and pray from the right position now, in union with Jesus in His glory, outworking abundant life from the inner spirit. We engage with Him, desiring to be aligned in His will and purpose, living as His ambassador, revealing Him to the world. Our goal is the ultimate “revealing of the sons of God” (Romans 8:19). Pray this for yourself and other believers, as God leads.

Suggestion: Memorize this ARISE track as a framework for focused prayer. Each line is like a "header", with varied and specific spontaneous prayers that can flow from its focus. The track follows new creation revelation, inspired especially from Ephesians. See below for some of the inspirational passages - you could take phrases from one or more of those to include in your prayers as you go. Ask Holy Spirit to lead you. Praying Scripture is powerful!

A R I S E  Prayer Track

Keywords are: Align, Reset, Immersed, Standing, Expansion:

Awesome Father, King Jesus, Holy Spirit. We welcome You! [pause]

  • We Align: crucified, risen, righteous, blessed, one with You in new creation fullness,
  • We Reset our thoughts, choices, feelings, words, body, and subconscious,
  • Immersed, empowered in love and forgiveness.
  • Standing strong in You, resisting evil, we listen, to bind, loose, and pray.
  • Proclaiming peace and blessing, we advance in Kingdom Expansion.

Praise You, Lord, Guide us, be glorified, Amen!

[ARISE prayer track is 68 words, same as NASB translation of "The Lord's Prayer" (Our Father...), see below]

Here are the passages from Ephesians that helped inspire the track. 

Ephesians 1:2-23, 2:4-63:14-21, 4:1-3 4:22-24, 5:18-20, 5:25-276:10-186:19-20

Also, Matt 13:33, Matt 16:19, Matt 18:18-20, Mark 12:30-31, Luke 10:5, John 12:31-33, John 14:23, John 17:20-24, Acts 1:5-8, Rom 8:6, Rom 8:35-39, Rom 12:14, 2 Cor 5:14-21, 2 Cor 13:14, Gal 2:20, Gal 5:16, Gal 6:8, Col 2:12-14


Apostolic Prayers

It is a good practice to personalize specific new creation prayers Paul included in his letters throughout the New Testament. Pray them for yourself and others in your community. Notice their focus on solutions, manifesting fullness, rather than problems and needs.

The famous prayer track that Jesus gave His disciples (sometimes called The Lord's Prayer, Matthew 6:9-13) was anchored in the position they were in, in the fallen race, but anticipating the coming breakthrough Jesus would bring through His death, resurrection, and release of the new creation in the Holy Spirit. It is a powerful prayer, but for alignment, it is necessary to pray from your position now in the new creation. (No-one had received new creation life when Jesus taught them that prayer). Its theme included asking

  • for the Kingdom to come,
  • for daily provision,
  • for forgiveness of sins,
  • to not be led into temptations,
  • to be delivered from evil, and
  • to acknowledge that the Kingdom, power, and glory is the Lord's.

In contrast, in the new creation, we are immersed into oneness with Jesus, where

  • the Kingdom is now manifested in us, (for sure the fullness is still to be manifested in the world, ultimately consummated with the return of Jesus)
  • we can engage and align His will,
  • we have access to heaven's realm,
  • grace abounds unto every need,
  • we have forgiveness of sins,
  • we have believer-authority, self control, access to the Divine nature, and the means to resist temptation,
  • we have power and authority to resist and withstand the devil and all evil ourselves,
  • we now have the power and glory released within us!

Praise Him!!

Making ARISE our daily lifestyle

We suggest using the ARISE track as the basis for our "Jesus Time". Begin by praying the prayer summary (or amplified) in full, and then go back through, praying more into whichever point(s) you want to focus on. Meditate on the verses and personalize them, as well as praying them for fellow believers.

Under the expansion item, you could include prayer for unbelievers you are trusting God to be a witness to. The ARISE prayer is a track, or framework, to pray out of new creation reality.

Jesus Time: Alone Time Focused on Jesus

"Jesus Time" is a special time set aside each day for developing our relationship with Jesus through prayer, bible reading, and listening to the Holy Spirit.

Prayer is a 2-way communication between us and God, and should be happening unbroken all day.  But to give this direction and intimacy, an “alone time” dedicated to building the relationship and engaging a "reset" is very helpful.  Most people find this is best first thing in the morning, as it tends to give purpose and focus for the day.  However, find out what works best for you.  You will probably need at least 15-20 minutes, but more time is better!

James 4:8 tells us that if we draw near to God, He will draw near to us, so you can expect this to be an amazing time!

Jesus modeled this for us

Luke 5:16, “But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray”

Mark 1:35, “Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.”

Luke 6:12, “Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.”

A glimpse of Jesus in devotion glory

In Luke 9:28-29, we read:

28 Some eight days after these sayings, He took along Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. 29 And while He was praying, the appearance of His face became different, and His clothing became white and gleaming

Jesus entered His glory on this occasion, and perhaps this was normal for Him in fellowship with the Father. For us, our devotion time should not be a time of dry prayer and bible reading trapped in the natural realm, but an opportunity to engage with who we have become in the new creation, and then participate with Jesus through the Holy Spirit in whatever prayer focus He would lead us to pursue.

For the Jesus time, first find a place where you can be alone, either in a room, by going for a walk, or even creating a “shut-in” space on a commuter train or bus, using worship music with earphones.

Having created the place, begin to pray using simple words, moving step-by-step through the ARISE track, and one or more of the Apostolic prayers. Then go to your devotion study for the day (As a start, use The Goal is Whole).  Be open to The Holy Spirit to speak and guide also.

Try to be specific in your prayers (rather than general or vague). Remember that in the INN vision, we are growing as a group, so take hold of that aspect. Pray for your fellow INN participants. We is always greater than Me!

A few thoughts on Journaling - Keeping Track of Experiences

Journaling is taking a few minutes to record your experience during your daily "Jesus Time". It can be as brief or detailed as you want, and this will probably vary from day to day. The great benefit from journaling is that you can go back to revisit and refresh what God has been doing in your life, as well as have a reference point for sharing in your next Group Time.

We recommend reading the previous day's journal entry at the start of each day's Jesus Time.

For more on how to journal your journey through your chosen devotional focus using the SOAP plan, see HERE