The Goal is Whole is a five-series set of daily devotional studies that unpack key new creation themes. There are six daily studies in each unit. (One Together has two parts, each with six studies).
Each study is available in written form, and also by way of an audio track, where Mike shares the primary content in a simple podcast format. The audio track can be used while pursuing everyday activities such as while on the treadmill at gym, driving to work, or loading the dishwasher! Both the written and audio studies are available using the links below. There are no subscriptions or fees for access. Freely we have received, freely we give!
The five New Creation themes are arranged under the acronym WHOLE:
Series 1: Who Am I? (Identity)
Series 2: Hope Unshakeable (Security)
Series 3: One Together (Community)
Series 4: Live it Out (Victory)
Series 5: Empower Others (Destiny)
We recommend using the studies as part of a daily devotion time following the "New Creation Prayer" track (check HERE).
Each written study has a "Headline" for a quick one-minute snapshot, and then a longer study that offers commentary on Bible passages relating to the theme. The full study typically takes 8-12 minutes to read. The audio tracks are all around 10 minutes long. The Goal is Whole course is designed to help you align with new creation realities, so that union with Jesus can become more and more manifested in and through your life.
Following the studies together during the INNcubate INN-forming process helps the group to gel together in unity, in Him, allowing them to become formed into an INN together. The Goal is Whole is also a great tool as part of on-boarding for new arrivals that have only recently received Jesus.
The studies are just a "start-point" or conversation starter. Expect Jesus to show you so much more. Get hungry for His revelation! As you encounter Him, so you will soar with revelation and become a carrier of His life and glory. That is the potential! The Goal is Whole studies are just to help ignite the process.
Journaling through The Goal is Whole:
Keeping a journal will often help a deeper engagement with the content, and allow you to go back and recap. Critically, it also gives you contributions you can have to hand to share with the group at the meet-ups. Shared revelation between group members massively increases growth in the group. Flourishing in a body identity is essential for the INN to form.
For guidance on how to journal effectively, check HERE.