The "Rocket Science" in the INNcubate Strategy

One day we were exploring the idea of how believers might gather from many different spheres into one group, become focused on "narrowing" into a single focus (or, as we have come to see since, yielding into ONE, with a focus on Jesus and His body), and then fan out into an infinite number of expressions. I drew an illustration with a funnel at the top, a narrow mid section and then an upturned funnel at the bottom, with the sense of momentum through the "process". We had a rocket scientist in the group who immediately recognized similarities with how thrust and momentum are created in space rocket engines! Over time, this inspiration has helped craft our INNcubate launch-strategy.

The revelation is focused on the space rocket's nozzles - technically known as "converging, diverging, nozzles". The basic principle in these nozzles is that the pipe carrying the flow of hot pressurized gas is narrowed into a "throat", causing the gas to accelerate. With the correct design, this is what creates the "thrust" that causes the rocket to lift off the ground.

nozzle diagram5

Check this video from SpaceX on testing their raptor 2 engine!

Similarly, in INN building, the group's one-thing-lifestyle together, focused solely on Jesus, is like the "throat" in the diagram, causing an acceleration of momentum, allowing the INN to "take off" and become all He intends. This has become so vivid to us that we have adopted it as our logo!

In the nozzle, the entry is high pressure, low velocity. In our INN interpretation, this reveals people who have a lot of self-focus, perhaps a lot of activity, but little real impact or progress. Moving down and into the throat they engage the reality of being crucified with Christ and find union with Him and others of His body. Out of this transformation they become low pressure, high velocity, where self has been yielded into union, and Holy Spirit empowered fruitfulness is able to emerge with tremendous potential impact.

The thrust comes from Jesus-focused community living as ONE with Him together. The fruit is INNs! Groups of mobilized believers that in turn help to multiply more INNs that each embrace their own unique purpose and calling under the direction of Jesus. In this way, the vision adopts a "Kingdom-sized" goal while making sure we always submit to the headship of Jesus and His specific will for each INN. Small becomes the new big, liberating and empowering the body!

Using the INNcubate plan moves us from the subsonic to the supersonic! This is the key to multiplication in the vision. Check out this rocket-science INN Building Vision diagram below! In the image the INN nozzle (rocket) is rising, constantly penetrating the society around. This is a picture of the INN's empowered witness, causing those who don't yet know Jesus to encounter Him and then be drawn by the INN community towards the throat – personal new creation transformation in Jesus, along with the existing INN members. Over time, INNs flourish into fruitfulness and multiply, spawning new INNs.

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